
DSC_0006“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  Jeremiah 29:11

The Thanksgiving memories are still so fresh, and I am always grateful for family and times together!  What organized chaos!  I wouldn’t trade it for anything.  As I am counting my blessings, I know there are those who are facing some uncertain times right now.  I am especially thinking of Grace, Grace, and Wyatt.

My Daddy used to have a very peculiar habit of pouring his coffee from his cup into his saucer every morning at breakfast.  When I asked him why, he always said, “because my cup keeps overflowing.”  I feel that way this Thanksgiving, and I pray that these families and others are filled to overflowing with God’s blessings.

I’ve had this poem for years, but I am afraid the author is unidentified to me.  It pretty much sums up Thanksgiving.

“I’ve never made a fortune, and it’s probably too late now,
But I don’t worry about that much, I’m happy anyhow.
And as I go along life’s way, I’m reaping better than I sowed.
I’m drinking from my saucer cause my cup has overflowed.
Haven’t got a lot of riches, and sometimes the going’s tough,
But I’ve got loving ones around me, and that makes me rich enough. Thank God for His blessings, and the mercies He’s bestowed.
I’m drinking from my saucer cause my cup has overflowed.
I remember times when things went wrong, my faith wore pretty thin,
But all at once, the dark clouds broke and sun peeped through again.
So Lord, help me not to gripe about the tough rows that I’ve hoed.
I’m drinking from my saucer cause my cup has overflowed.
If God gives me strength and courage when the way goes steep and rough,
I’ll not ask for other blessings, I’m already blessed enough.”

I’m praying that all our cups will overflow.

Raise the Lord

File Nov 14, 11 36 34 AM“I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.”   Psalm 9:1

This Thanksgiving is bittersweet for our family because we are without our Mama, Mimi, Dump and Mi.  As we celebrate, we are thankful for all the memories that we have shared and will continue to share.

Our youngest grandson, Reese, played the part of the minister this week in the Thanksgiving play, and true to his personality, he gave the words, “praise the Lord” a new spin.  He proudly proclaimed, “Raise the Lord!” Pondering this twist, I decided that “raising the Lord” this Thanksgiving is exactly what we all need to do.  True to that proclamation, Randy is writing his Thanksgiving list for me as it wouldn’t be right without it!!

I’m thankful for this special time of year when we can reflect and take stock of God’s many blessings.
I’m thankful for the little things in life that make a difference like crisp mornings, autumn leaves, fresh coffee, rain, smiles, hugs, handshakes and kisses.  For “I love yous.”
I’m thankful for friends on the staff who remember and laugh.  Who, after years of accommodating my ‘quirks’ see me at church and ask, “have you adjusted the thermostats yet?”
I’m thankful for faithful fans and spirited rivalries, tail gating on the deck with great friends and fans!  For defeated Tigers who say, ‘It matters!’ For Gators who are kind in their victory – again.  For my Tech friend.
I’m thankful for God’s assurance that life continues even in the midst of death.  For glad reunions which regularly occur in the Father’s House.  For new life experienced in relationships that persevere together through grief.
I’m thankful for powerful tributes given by dear, respected friends.  For UGA caps coming down the center aisle.  For “Glory, Glory to Old Georgia” even in church!
I’m thankful for a crackling fire on a crisp morning watching steam rise off Lake Burton.  For Alaska cruises where propellers don’t break.  For the road trips through Colorado with old and new friends. For beautiful aspens.  For the river walks with my sidekick, the chick magnet.
I’m thankful for the finest, best looking truck ever built.  For anonymous friends.  For an over the top love offering, most undeserved, but most appreciated.  For my new orange tractor.
I’m thankful for the one place where we all gather as equals in God’s love – the altar.  For good reports at the doctor and at the altar .For opportunities to visit other churches and realize anew just how special Mt. Bethel really is!
I’m thankful for a family that loves like friends and for friends who are my family.  For the love of my life, her beautiful green eyes, soft kisses and cold feet.  For the pure joy God has provided through our love for each other – Rob, Ashley, Susie, Lee, Drew, Cooper, Mason and Reese!  Wow! My cup runneth over.

Randy, I am thankful for you!

God Bless you and yours this Thanksgiving!  Raise the Lord!



Micklerboys“In ordinary life we hardly realize that we receive a great deal more than we give, and that it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich.”                               Dietrick Bonhoeffer

In the past six weeks, I have had many opportunities to receive rather than give, and I find that very hard.  I am much more comfortable when the roles are reversed.  At the same time, it is humbling to accept those expressions of love, cards, meals, and know that they are given from a sense of gratitude for a life that was lived in service to God and others.

No matter our situation in this life, we all have a reason to express gratitude to God for blessings He has so richly bestowed.  After this election, I am filled with gratitude to live in a country where people are free to vote their convictions no matter the outcome.  I am filled with gratitude for men and women who put their life on the line each day to protect and defend our country.  I am so grateful for the ones who served in past wars to protect our freedom.

In my career as a kindergarten teacher, our classes would always perform a Thanksgiving play for the parents each year.  The class would be divided up in groups to tell the story of the First Thanksgiving.  The Pilgrims would dress in the traditional black and white, the native Americans would wear the head dress and feathers, but the star of the show was always the minister.  He had three words to say, “Praise the Lord!”

It is interesting to me that now my grandchildren perform this same play for the parents and grandparents.  I can’t explain the reasoning here, but each one of my grandsons have been chosen to play the role of the minister in the play.  Is that type casting or what? Drew was the first, then Cooper, Mason did it two years ago and now Reese will be the last to play this coveted role this year.  I must say that each one of them has done it with excitement and a style all their own.

As I watch Reese perform those three words this year, I will be filled with gratitude for all God’s blessings.  “Praise the Lord!”



IMG_1139“I am most thankful for what I don’t have, for had my life’s wish list been filled in the manner I had chosen, I would be steeped in meaningless trinkets instead of bathed in God’s treasures.”   Craig D. Lounsbrough

Treasure is defined as “a quantity of precious metals, gems, or other valuable objects”.  In past years, I have mistakenly regarded gold, diamonds, silver, china, crystal, etc. as treasure.  I treated them with utmost care, washed them gently, polished them, and even insured them against theft or loss.  Randy could never understand my care of these items.  He always said, “They are just things, plus we never get to eat on the china or use the silver because you are afraid something will happen to it!  If it doesn’t go in the dishwasher, we don’t use it!”  I hate to admit it, but he was right!

In the past weeks, I have had many occasions to evaluate treasures.  When you try to go through a home which has existed for 70 years, you discover a lot about yourself and about things which are truly treasures.  For example, we found Life magazines from the 1940’s – what a true historical treasure! We were able to see the world as it was then and read the first hand accounts of those who lived it.  Granted, I am sure you can find these by goggling the internet, but what an experience to hold that in your hands and visualize Mama and others as they read them.  Pictures, the printed word, and radio were their way of feeling connected to the world and deal with all that was going on around them.  I can’t even imagine!  I could add to this list of treasures, sheet music from the 1920’s, collectible turtles in every form imaginable, personal writings, scrapbooks, letters from friends and family, family pictures, and so much more!

I choose to define treasure as “a valuable item”, but valuable in a different context. As I think about treasures right now, my list doesn’t include the silver, china, crystal, or diamonds anymore, but rather the simple things God provides every day.  My list now looks much different – it consists of love, family, friends, sunrises, sunsets, fires, the beach, the lake, a good book, laughter, worship, music, sweets, a good mattress, hugs, kisses, football, my dog, health, fall, blue skies, crisp mornings, mountains, and so much more.

“The greatest treasures are invisible by the eyes but found by the heart.  For where your treasure is, there your heart would also be.”  Angie Karan