Stating the Obvious

And he said to them, “Go out into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”  Mark 16:15

Stating the obvious is defined as, “saying something that everybody already knows or understands.”

Sometimes people make comments which might seem obvious to one person but not to another.  Years ago as my cousin, Jack, was preparing to leave for college and go on to medical school, my Mama presented him with a problem.  She had a place on the end of her index finger that would just start bleeding for no apparent reason, and it took a while to get the bleeding to stop.  The conversation went like this, “Jack, what do you think about this finger that bleeds all the time?   Jack said, “Well, Mi, if you don’t stop the bleeding, you are going to bleed to death.”  Stating the obvious!

As  Christians, do we sometimes think we are stating the obvious when it comes to our beliefs?  Perhaps what we believe is obvious to us, but it is not to a person who has never read the Bible, heard the good news, and known the power of the Holy Spirit.

There are folks in our world these days who reject the virgin birth, the crucifixion, and the Bible in general.  They simply don’t believe that these things ever happened and thus are not true.  No one has taken the time to share the obvious things that we, as Christians,believe with them.

We repeat the Lord’s Prayer with little or no thought for the meaning behind these words.  Would it be obvious to a non believer how we feel about these words if they watched us saying it repetitiously?  Years ago, I sat next to a visitor in church, and when we began repeating the Lord’s Prayer, he did not participate.  At the end of the service, he said, “You know, that is a beautiful prayer you all prayed, but I am not familiar with that prayer.”  That man stating the obvious made me realize how many times I assume.

There are so many things that we Christians believe that are obvious to us but need to be shown to unbelievers through our words, actions and deeds.  Never assume that our faith is obvious to all.





Finish the Drill

In all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.  Romans 8:37

In 2001, the University of Georgia welcomed their new coach, Mark Richt.  One of the first things he did was introduce the phrase, finish the drill to his players and the UGA faithful.  These three words became the signature statement for many years.  I’ve used these words myself many times when projects get started around here but never seem to get finished.

Drills are defined as “disciplined, repetitious exercises used as a means of teaching and perfecting a skill or procedure.”  We think drills are a waste of time on a daily basis, but when that expertise is needed, the skills we perfected can serve us well in the game of life especially in times of emergencies where we must call on them.

Right now in our society, we, as Christians, will be called upon to finish the drill for Jesus and help sustain His kingdom here on earth.  There are many these days who don’t believe in the Bible, renounce Jesus as the Savior, are skeptical of the virgin birth and even the resurrection.  We have to call upon the drills we have learned to be able to face these doubters.

There are five “R’s”  in my mind that help us finish the drill.  First, we must Review the scriptures and the teachings that we were taught using Bible Study and quiet time.

Secondly,  we need to Remember the scriptures that can apply, the creeds that can give us courage, and the prayers and hymns that we know by heart.

Thirdly, we need to Rehearse defending our faith to someone who might challenge us.

Next, we must Reinforce the faith of our children, grand children, friends, relatives, etc. as we battle for our beliefs and faith.

  Finally, we need to Restore our Christian values and core beliefs.  Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father but by me.”

We are all in this battle together.  Jesus will give us all we need to win for Him if we practice His teachings and finish the drill .


It has been said that optimism is going after Moby Dick in a rowboat; chutzpah is taking tartar sauce with you!  Chutzpah is defined as extreme self confidence, nerve, gall or audacity.

During the last week dealing with the aftermath of Michael on the Florida panhandle and southwest Georgia (wiregrass) area, I choose to use the word Chutzpah to describe these folks who are victims of the storm.  They are calling on every ounce of extreme self confidence they have!

Most of the folks I know in this area, have no power, no gasoline, no water, and no immediate hope of internet and cable services.  Yet, they go out every day with their saws, their tools, their strong backs and offer to help out their neighbors, friends or strangers who need assistance while trying to take care of their own losses.  That’s Chutzpah

My cousin, Gene, sets out every day to help one person, but he says on his way, ten others are asking him to help them, and of course, he does -that’s chutzpah.

The hospital in my hometown of Donalsonville is running on power provided by generators to keep patients alive and comfortable.  They have no power for air conditioning (and believe me they still need it), computer services or heating water.  My friends there are putting out appeals to put hospitals first on the list – that’s chutzpah.

The lineman who work tirelessly to restore power are in staging areas near there and working through countless trees which are down on streets and roads everywhere.  I can’t imagine the countless hours they are putting in to help those in need – that’s chutzpah.

The wait for gasoline to power cars, trucks, etc. can stretch into two hours at gas stations and until yesterday, the folks had to go to Dothan or surrounding areas to fill up their tanks.  It takes chutzpah.

Many farmers who had picked some cotton already and stored their crops in storage bins lost the storage bins in the storm.  The crops that could survive need gins, dryers, and warehouses which are mostly lost as well.  My Daddy was a farmer, and I know that farmers live and die by weather.  This is bad for them, yet they all have chutzpah,  and I don’t see any of them giving up.

Amidst all this, every time I call to check on them, the response is always the same, “We are hurting, but God is good, and we will get through this together.”  Chutzpah.

Tonight while we in the unaffected areas are watching television after a hot meal in our comfortable homes,  please don’t forget those who are hurting, and please pray for all the affected areas and people.  They may have chutzpah, but they can use all the help they can get!











Eye of the Storm

He awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the seas, “Peace, Be Still”.  And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.  Mark 4:39

I watched Hurricane Michael  with many emotions last week.  Our relatives and friends were in its path in Madison, Tallahassee, Donalsonville, Thomasville, and Dothan, and our Mama’s condo that has been in our family since 1975 was near the eye of the storm.  There’s nothing one can do other than watch, wait, and pray.

I had heard that in the eye of the storm there is a calm and a strange peace.  I found that the eye is calm because the strong surface winds that converge never make it there.  The force all around the eye deflects the wind from the center causing the wind to rotate around the eye leaving the center very calm.  The irony is that even though its calm and peaceful in the eye, all around it are the most dangerous winds of the storm.  Thus, the proverbial calm before the storm.

Life and the eye of the storm have so many similarities.  Most of the time we can feel like we are either in the middle of a storm, just through a storm, or preparing for the next storm on the horizon.  God grants us the eye of the storm to renew our strength, reaffirm our faith, and rest in the power of His love and care.  We feel His peace while the winds of the storm are all around us.

No one is exempt from storms in our life, and we can’t stay in the eye forever.  We may not understand why storms come, but we can use these times to draw closer to God and thank him for the ways these storms bless us!  Storms come and go, but the love of God is constant.

Thankfully, all our family and friends are safe.  Our hometown is being referred to as “ground zero” of Georgia.  The physical damage is massive, but God has brought us through and He will be with us to sustain us.  Our prayer is for the folks in Donalsonville and surrounding areas, many farmers who have lost their crops, businesses, churches, and families as they pick up their lives using God as their eye.

When the storms of life are raging, stand by me;  when the storms of life are raging, stand by me.  When the world is tossing me like a ship upon the sea; thou who rulest wind and water, stand by me.  Charles Albert Tinley                                                     




I’m Thinking

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything with prayer and supplication make your requests known to God.  Philippians 4:6

I have a terrible habit of thinking a problem or a decision to death – overthinking it.  I wonder what would be a better way, will my way work, what will happen if it doesn’t work, should I suggest this, should I wait, should I say what I really feel, and on and on it goes.  While I am over thinker, Randy acts.

Years ago when we were moving our daughter into her first dorm room at Ole Miss, there was an occasion to illustrate what happens when we take too much time to think through a problem, a situation, commitment or spiritual growth.

Ashley and her roommate, Carrie, had purchased a loft for their dorm room from a couple of girls who were moving to an apartment.  The purchase was a great idea in theory, but the loft was made to fit a room in another dorm, so after we hauled it through town on the back of a truck,  moved it up three flights of stairs, and put it together, realization set in.  The lofts didn’t fit.  We could squeeze them in, but the person on the top bunk couldn’t raise their head without hitting the ceiling.

We pondered what to do while frustration mounted.  The girls laid on the bunks, tried the top, and generally continued thinking. We were running out of time, and the two dads were getting just a bit impatient to say the least.  It was obvious to all that it wasn’t going to work.  It was too late to sell them or harvest parts, so, rather than waste anymore time thinking, Randy opened the window, saw a dumpster below, sent the girls down to make sure no one was in the way and began to throw the lofts piece by piece out the window!  Problem solved!  No more thinking needed.

There comes a point when you say “enough is enough” and take action.  Whether it be a commitment, a decision, or just a destination – you can’t overthink everything.  William A. Lawrence said it best, “On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of millions who, at the dawn of victory, sat down to wait and think, and while waiting – died.  When is comes to making a decision, our greatest adversary is inertia.  We need to take action.”


For Ourselves

Then Jesus said, “but whom do YOU say that I am?”  Matthew 16:15

We have in our home a beautiful sculpture of Jesus healing the blind man which was a precious gift from the church on the occasion of Randy’s twentieth year of service.  It is not only perfect in detail, but also meaningful in so many ways.  When you look at it on a daily basis, you begin to see many things about Jesus that you might not think about otherwise.

Man sees things but sometimes doesn’t perceive. Webster says,to perceive  is understanding or realizing something for ourselves.  When we perceive, we must take what we’ve heard or thought and see it for ourselves rather than the way our parents, friends, or others see it.

First when we see Jesus for ourselves, we begin to see Him in a different way.  The sculpture shows the rugged hands that performed so many miracles used in a gentle, personal, caring way as He touches the eyes of the blind man.  You see that He cares for each one of us individually.

Secondly, when we see Jesus for ourselves, we see others in a different way.  The sculpture shows a hurting man humbling himself before Jesus as a child might before his/her parents.  He didn’t think he was worthy, but he asked Jesus for healing because he wanted to perceive Him for himself.  We begin to realize that each person is important to God, and we are none more or less important to Him.

Lastly, when we see Jesus for ourselves,  we see ourselves in a different way.  We begin to know that we are all sinners in need of a Savior, and we are no more entitled to God’s grace than any one else.  We see that grace is a gift offered to those who know Jesus.

The most important thing one can know in this life is who Jesus is to you personally because that is the how each person can find their way to the Father.  At that point, we can know that sins are forgiven, grace is granted, and we have found the Kingdom of God.  We all need to do it for ourselves.