End on a High Note

“Life is like music; some high notes, some low notes; still together it makes beautiful music.”

Descant in music is defined as “an independent treble melody usually sung or played above a basic melody.”  I love to hear ladies who can hit these high notes consistently while the melody goes on beneath their voices.

My Mama was able to sing this part regularly, and she always did it with assurance, clarity, and strength.  I always wondered if she was nervous, but I think she practiced so much that she felt a sense of peace and confidence.  I can’t say I ever knew her to miss a high note; although, she probably would tell a different story.  If she did, nobody knew it except her.

As I look back on this year, it has certainly not been all high notes.  We have seen the loss of many folks who were dear to us, people we love are fighting cancer and other health related issues, there has been renewed chatter of war, the ever unstable political climate, terrorism, senseless killings, and an overall tension in our world.  How do we end this year on a high note?

Challenges come in everyday life.  Like a musician, you have practiced your faith, and you have your own opportunities to stand boldly and live.  Some people face life’s hardships with confidence and boldness while others are plagued with doubts and fears.  Jesus identifies with our circumstances and feels every single thing we are experiencing.

Life is like music.  Some of us are experiencing “high” times, others “low” times, but the melody of life goes on despite our individual experiences.

Whatever we are facing now and in this coming year, we should be assured that we don’t face anything alone for God is walking right alongside us.  He is giving us the strength to end this year and begin the coming year on a “high note.”  Happy New Year!

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  Philippians 4:13



“Again Jesus spoke to them saying, “I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”                    John 8:12

A couple of weeks ago, Randy and I were putting up our traditional Christmas decorations.  Most of these garlands, wreaths, trees, etc. have pre-lit lights on them which is great if the lights work.  Most of the time, I check the lights before I put them up, but this time I was out doing errands, and Randy put them up!  When I got home and plugged them in to the source of electricity, there was no light – only darkness.

It’s so maddening because I know there is probably only one or two bad lights, but unless you can find them, the entire string is faulty. These couple of lights plunge everything into darkness. They prevent the light from shining in the darkness.  Hours later, we had removed all the faulty strings and replaced them with new ones.  What a difference light makes to a home, a door, and a life.

Just like decorations, there are circumstances in this world that seem to be intent on putting out the light in so many lives.  Then comes Christmas – the time that offers hope to the world.

Jesus came to bring light to the world.  He brings the Light of His truth, the Light of His word, and the Light of eternal life.  In this world, we all need to hear about and see the light that Jesus can bring into a life that is struggling  with darkness.  We, as followers, are bearers of this light, and it is our job to find the dark spots and bring light to them.

As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, I pray that all can experience the “Light of the World”, Jesus Christ.

Merry Christmas!


“For God so loved the world that He sent His only son.”  John 3:16

During my high school years, I always worked the weeks leading up to Christmas in Miss Gloria’s jewelry and gift shop.  My good friend and I were the official gift wrap team, and on occasion, we waited on customers.

One afternoon, our senior high school quarterback and best all around guy came into the store to shop for his girlfriend.  We all watched in admiration as he strolled around the store and stopped before the case which contained diamond rings.  Now, he was a farmer’s son, and everyone knew money was tight for his family.  Miss Gloria was busy, so my friend and I walked over together to help him.  We had all followed his love story with his sweetheart, and we were curious to know what he would give her this year.

He asked us to show him engagement rings, and it was with a great deal of excitement that we began to pull out all we had.  One by one, he eliminated the rings until he found a small diamond ring.  Although small, he wanted to know all about the diamond.  We had Miss Gloria come over to explain the size, quality and clarity of the diamond.  Although it was small, the stone was nearly perfect!  He smiled, and said, “I’ll take it.  It’s perfect.”  He paid cash and told us he would be back later to pick it up.

My friend and I decided to give him the royal wrapping treatment for this perfect gift.  We started with a tiny box which we put into a bigger box, then we put that box into a bigger box, and on and on.  When we finished, the box was huge and beautifully wrapped!  Perfect!

We were disappointed when he returned because he looked at the box, laughed, and said, “thank you, but she won’t care what size box I bring.  She knows whatever I give her is a gift of love!”

Love can’t be measured by the size of the box which contains the gift.  It is the gift itself that matters.  God gave us the greatest gift in the form of a tiny baby who became our Savior.  Christmas proves God’s love for us.  He sent his son in human form to show us His love.  Love literally came down from above at Christmas!





Unanswered Prayer

“Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers,                         Remember when you’re talking to the Man upstairs,
That just because He doesn’t answer doesn’t mean He don’t care ….                                                  Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.”  Garth Brooks

I had the pleasure of attending Garth Brooks’ concert in the Mercedes Benz stadium a few weeks ago.  I love his music, and I discovered that I am not alone!  Ninety thousand of my closest friends love it as well!!  I also learned that this is a close knit group, and if you don’t know all the words to his songs, you are in the minority.

I love several of his songs, but Unanswered Prayer is one of my favorites.  Although, I don’t believe there is such a thing as the unanswered prayer, the story is a sweet one.  I think God answers prayer in one of three ways:  “yes”, “no”, or “wait”, we just don’t always like to accept the answer.

It is during the time that we wait for answers that hope becomes real to us. Hope is defined as “a feeling of  expectation and a desire for a certain thing to happen.”  We hope for the answer to our prayers, but we also hope they will be answered in the way we would like.  God sent Jesus into this world to offer us hope.  That hope is God’s gift to us, and although it is always with us, Christmas reminds us anew of it.  Jesus is the hope of the world.

As we offer prayers during this Advent season, I pray that the hope of God will be real to us through our prayers whether the answer is “yes”, “no”, or “wait”.

“I do not believe there is such a thing in the history of God’s eternal kingdom as a right prayer, offered in the right spirit, that remains forever unanswered.”  Theodore L. Cuyler