Peace Stealers!

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, whose thoughts are fixed on you! For those who are righteous, the way is not steep and rough! You are a God who does what’s right, and you smooth out the path ahead of them. Isaiah 26:3

Advent is upon us and with its arrival comes the inevitable hustle and bustle that goes with this season of the year. The season of Peace on earth, good will toward man can become the season of stress, impatience, and selfishness.

This week we ran into some dear friends, and when we asked how they were doing, the answer was sobering. He said, “Well, we just go from one crisis to the other!” These words are sad, but true of so many of us!

In this world of today, we don’t just have normal stress all around us, we have cyber stress. We all seem to be tied to our cell phones, our iPad, our computer, our television programs, and a world of other technology. Everything is based on how much we can do and how quickly we can get it done! It is said that increasing our pace has decreased our peace. Therapist Ofer Zur is quoted as saying, “We’ve become obsessed with speed. We end up with lots of plans that we can’t execute and a full schedule that can’t be followed.”

Adding to our peace stealers is everyday stress. A trip to the grocery store will show that prices have doubled lately, gas prices are sky high, and the cost of living seems to have skyrocketed in the last nine months or so. All of us are worrying about how to cope with times like these? Paul Harvey is said to have addressed this issue when he said, “In times like these, it’s helpful to remember there have always been times like these!”

The question is not “Will problems come?” The question is, “How will we handle them?” Things will come along to steal our peace. How do we then maintain a sense of peace?

First, it’s good to ask ourselves, “Who or what is stealing our peace?” We really can’t know who or what to blame unless we know the triggers in our lives that steal our peace. Is it work? Is it finances? Is it illness? Is it a certain person? Is it mental or physical exhaustion? Once we know what causes the loss of peace, we can begin to know what to avoid. The worst thing we can do is give in to the feeling of despair or hopelessness.

Years ago there was an exterminator who came to service our house the first Saturday of every month. It didn’t take long for me to know that this man stole my peace every time he came by pointing out things which inconvenienced him. In order to regain our peaceful Saturdays, we made it possible for me to be absent during those monthly visits. It worked like a charm, and my peace was restored!

Secondly, give the stealer to God and start to focus on other things. It’s a proven fact that redirecting our thoughts can bring peace back into our lives. As soon as we become aware that we are starting to worry and lose our sense of peace, take it to God immediately and leave it with Him. Paul writes, Whatever things are true, whatever things are honorable of respect, whatever is lovely and brings peace, think continually on these things. Philippians 4:8

Finally, find out what God says to us in His word about the situation facing us. When we find the answer then we need to align our thoughts, words, and actions with it. It’s easy to fall into the habit of doubting, worrying, and wondering if God has forsaken us and that after all we’ve been through, our situations will end in failure. We should never doubt God. The scripture says, Don’t worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Then you will experience God’s peace. Philippians 4:7

The Bible says, Search for peace and work to maintain it. Psalm 34:14 When we know that God loves and accepts us unconditionally, it sets us free to do the same for ourselves. God’s peace is a wonderful thing!

Alexander MacLaren says, “True peace comes not from the absence of trouble, but from the presence of God.”

The words of the hymn, It Is Well With My Soul by Philip Paul Bliss and Horatio Spafford lend itself to this situation. When peace like a river attendeth my way; When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, It is well, It is well, with my soul.

Gratitude Is The Answer!

And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to the Father through Him. Colossians 3:17

An old English preacher once said, “A grateful mind is a great mind.” He was speaking directly to those of us who sometimes forget that gratitude is an attitude, and that it’s a discipline we develop. Gratitude is defined as the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for”.

Life in general has a habit of overwhelming us, and more often than not, the last thing we feel like doing on our “down days” is giving thanks and feeling gratitude toward God. Nancy Leigh DeMoss puts it best when she says, “Unless you just love the way duty feels when it wakes you at three in the morning, or hijacks your plans for your day off, or hands you an unexpected bill that wasn’t in the budget, don’t try living the Christian life without gratitude.

There are some years where we say to ourselves, “Things couldn’t possibly get any worse”, and then they do. Well meaning people are heard to say things like “keep your chin up, things will get better, don’t worry”, but we can’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. We endure hardships, loss of loved ones, disappointments in others, and even loss of trust in God. Then, we pick up our Bible and read, “Always be joyful, always keep praying, no matter what happens always be thankful, for this is God’s will to those who belong to Christ Jesus,” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) and we realize that God brings life out of broken things.

Our perception of our situation must change from woe is me to thank you, God. We have to keep our eye on the donut and not the hole. We must focus on what we have and not what we don’t have. True Christ centered gratitude takes life’s most difficult situations and moments and transforms us from overwhelmed strugglers into triumphant conquerors. Amy Weatherly said, Perception is a key component to gratitude and gratitude is a key component to joy.

Keeping these thoughts in mind, the best exercise is to make a list of those people and things which fill your heart with gratitude. We need to show our thankfulness for people and all they do for us, not only in trying times, but in all times. This exercise will change our perception of gratitude into an acknowledgement that every good gift comes from God and that we are recipients of His grace in so many ways.

Years ago, Randy began a Thanksgiving service at the church where people could come, get the microphone, and share with the group the things for which they were thankful! It was oftentimes the most touching of services as we celebrated thankful hearts.

In honor of this tradition and in order to express gratitude to God, here are a few of mine.

I am thankful for two feet on the floor every morning. I am thankful for Randy and the way he loves me, his family, and his God. I am thankful for a family who pulls together. I am thankful for friends who are there no matter the situation. I am thankful for our church friends and faith. I am thankful for my small group of supportive friends. I am thankful for Reel Rollers and Schmoo Pies, and all the folks who support them. I am thankful for people who say, “I surely do miss you guys! I am thankful for our children, their spouses, and our grandsons! I am thankful for Rocco and his sweet personality and love. I am thankful for our extended family of sisters, brothers in law, and cousins who are rich in love and devotion. I am thankful for warm winter fires with friends and family gathered there. I am thankful for the opportunity to watch our grandsons play ball! I am thankful that I was raised in a small town where everyone knew and loved each other. I am thankful for America, the land of the free and the home of the brave. I am thankful for family vacations that begin with the words, “let the adventure begin!” I am thankful for a God who has richly blessed us.

The question is “What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits towards me?” Gratitude is the answer. Happy Thanksgiving!

Now thank we all our God, With heart and hands and voices. Who wondrous things hath done, In Whom this world rejoices. Who from our Mother’s arms Hath blessed us on our way. With countless gifts of love, And still is ours today. Hymn is Now thank We All Our God written by Martin Rinkart

Home Run!!

Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Ephesians 6:10

Baseball season is over, and for the first time since 1995, the Atlanta Braves are the World Series champs! There was such excitement everywhere around town from the playoff games to the culmination of a victory on the sixth night of the World Series!

The parade and ensuing celebration were so well done, and it was mostly inspiring to see and hear the players like Freeman, Swanson, Soler, Morton, and others speak so positively of their organization and each other.

We can remember fondly some of the greats who were playing the game when we were young. Names of players like Mickey Mantle, Roger Marris, Whitey Ford, and so many others. Although times were different, the game of baseball remains the same. There are still runs, hits, and errors. There are still enthusiastic fans. There are still base hits and home runs. The game still has heroes, but it also has dependable, consistent players.

One of the best things about this game to me is that even the best players fail more often than they succeed. For example, if great hitters have a batting average of .300, that means they only get a hit 3 out of 10 times at bat! That’s a sobering thought. A home run is more common these days than it used to be, but on average, a player only hits 45 home runs for every 600 times at bat!

A home run is defined as a fair hit that allows the batter to make a complete circuit of the bases without stopping and score a run. Although home runs can be exciting, it is often the consistent hits, pitching and fielding that wins a game.

Players aren’t always consistent. Most of the players will admit that there are times when they hit a slump! Their game is off, so to speak, and in order to get better, they can’t quit, but rather practice harder. In essence, they go back to the fundamentals which got them where they are in their game. They take extra batting practice, work on keeping their eye on the ball, and get advice from coaches. They figure out their mistakes and correct them to get back in the game.

Sometimes we as Christians find ourselves in a spiritual slump. We realize that we are spiritually empty, sometimes through our neglect of God and His word, and sometimes because of circumstances. In these cases, what do we do?

Hopefully, we begin to get ourselves back in the game by remembering what is right and trying to do it, reading the Bible and praying more, doing more for others, seeking guidance, and asking forgiveness. This usually brings us out of our slump for a while.

Christians and athletes alike can come out of slumps, but if we aren’t diligent, we slip right back into the same trap time after time. As our slumps become more and more frequent, we tend to get discouraged. Christians can feel like we are the worst people ever, and we will never be the person God intended us to be.

Mickey Mantle was famous. The crowd loved him. He was rich, but he still felt empty inside so he turned to alcohol. He suffered from this addiction, which led to heartbreaking problems with his family. Mantle often remarked that “something was missing” in his life. During his recovery from alcoholism, Bobby Richardson led him to Christ. On his deathbed, Mantle said, “I am trusting in Christ’s death for me to take me to heaven.” Of all his home runs, becoming a Christian was his greatest!

Paul slipped in his walk with Christ as well. He told the church in Rome that “he knew what he ought to do, but many times he found himself not doing it. He also said he knew what he shouldn’t do, but he kept doing it!” (Romans 7:19-20)

God blessed us with His grace because He knew we wouldn’t be perfect. He knew we would fail and fall short of God’s perfection. That’s why Jesus came to do what we can’t do. He always gets a hit. He never makes an out. Jesus always bats 1000.

Just like in baseball when a hitter is struggling and the coach puts in a pinch hitter to bat in their place, so God sent Christ to substitute for us when we are struggling. Christ pinch hits for us all, and guess what? He hits a home run every time!


Jesus brought the sacrifice for the sins of all the people, once and for all, when he sacrificed himself. Hebrews 7:27

This week on Thursday, November 11, our thoughts turn to all the veterans as we honor them for their service and sacrifice on this Veteran’s Day. World War I ended on November 11, 1911 some 110 years ago this year and the next year, Armistice Day was created as a day to commemorate the end of “the war to end all wars”. A federal holiday was created in 1938 and after WWII and the Korean War its name was changed to Veterans Day.

It is sobering to consider that there were nine million soldiers lost in WWI and twenty one million wounded. The United States alone lost over 116,000 souls. All wars create a lot of sacrifice not only on the part of our service men and women, but also on the part of their families, friends, and this country. Wars require people to make sacrifices. This day is a day to honor the men and women who made that sacrifice.

Sacrifice is defined as the act of giving up something you want to keep especially in order to get or do something else or to help some? We all make sacrifices of one kind or another, but how many of us have been called to give our lives for someone else?

Desmond Doss was a devout Christian who served in Okinawa during WWII. Because of his devout faith, Doss refused to touch a weapon or work on Sunday. He became a medic because of these beliefs. His battalion considered him a slacker and a pest, and it is even said that they would throw shoes at him while he prayed.

In Okinawa in the spring of 1945, he and his company were ordered to climb a steep cliff and face thousands of heavily armed Japanese soldiers. As the attack began and members of his battalion were wounded, Doss rescued 75 men who were trapped at the top of an escarpment by lowering them using a special knot he made. The whole time he was crawling to the wounded, he prayed, “Lord, please help me get one more.” He was awarded the Medal of Honor by Harry Truman on October 12, 1945 and became he first conscientious objector to ever receive a medal.

The story of Desmond Doss was made into a movie, Hacksaw Ridge, in 2015 and tells the story of his sacrifice and bravery. He honored the motto of the veterans, “Leave no man behind” and saved as many as he could! He was a true hero!

There are so many veterans who are heroes and live among us. Their stories are ones of valor, dedication, loyalty, love of country, and bravery, yet many of them are reluctant to share them. It is enough for them to know they served their country and served it well.

There are heroes among us in our every day life as well. For instance, in our neighborhood, there is a young mother who strolls her older son who is physically disabled each and every day. As he continues to grow, it must get harder for her to push him up and down hills, but she is faithful. There are doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, fire fighters, teachers, and police officers which sacrifice each day for others. There are couples who deal with separation from their loved ones, but they dutifully care for them. Sacrifices are made by so many in so many situations. There are truly heroes among us.

Jesus died on the cross to show us what love looks like in action. His sacrifice brings to light the scripture in John 15:13, “No one has greater love than this to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” The sacrifice He made offers us access to a life with no more crying, no more sickness, no more pain, no more sorrow or death.

Jesus’ sacrifice offers us a new path for our lives. This path is one that challenges us to sacrifice for and spread love to all we know. Our prayer should be likened to the one Desmond Doss prayed all those years ago, “Lord, please help me to win one more for You.”

This day we say “thank you for your sacrifice and service” to all the veterans.

(The picture above is of Eddie Huffaker, US Army Vietnam 1967-69 at the Vietnam War Memorial)

Even If!

Shadrack, Meshack, and Abednego answered King Nebuchadnezzar, “Your threat means nothing to us. If you throw us into the fire, the God we serve can rescue us from your roaring furnace and anything else you might cook up, O King. But even if He doesn’t, it wouldn’t make a bit of difference, O King. We still wouldn’t serve your gods or worship the gold statue you set up. Daniel 3:16-18 The Message

Shadrack, Meshack, and Abednego were brought before King Nebuchadnezzar because they refused to serve his gods or worship his golden images. They were confident that God would rescue them, but even if He did not, they would remain faithful to Him and only Him. These guys had an Even if faith.

During the panicked times of the pandemic and even to this day, we have Christians and others asking for a cure, an eradication, an answer to this disease which struck us quickly and mercilessly. I heard many people say, “I don’t understand why God doesn’t do something!” Just because we don’t get an answer right away doesn’t give us the freedom to doubt His love and faithfulness toward us. We should be saying, Even if we don’t believe God is acting as quickly as we would like, we will still believe He is acting.

Sometimes God seems to be guiding us to travel the back roads instead of taking the highway, and we can begin to feel like we’re out of gas, there are no gas stations around, and He’s forgotten us. Even if we feel that way today, God is still here. Just like a message in a bottle that we think is lost but is found, nothing is ever lost to God.

In this world there will be pain and suffering, of that we are assured, but even if He causes suffering, He will show compassion according to the abundance of His faithful love. (Lamentations 3:32) Our job is to keep the faith and never cease to ask for the things we need.

There are many times when God closes one door only to open another. As we seek the process of reinventing ourselves to accommodate the changes necessary in our lives, it would be easy to ask, “Why me? Why Now? What have I done to deserve this?” There is little peace as we deal with the change. We have to realize that God uses these closed doors to get us to turn away from where we think we should be and move instead to the place where He can best use us. We must be even if people as we move to follow His plan for our lives.

God is waiting for Christians to ask Him for what we need in this world. We live in times where Christians need not only to ask, but also we need to do some extravagant asking of God. The world needs us to ask for the impossible and the unimaginable. We know that God is capable of doing these things, but He needs to see us willing to serve Him whether He answers these “askings” in our time and on our schedule or not. Even if, He does not, we are faithful.

We need to be the people who say, Even if, others have given up on things, we will stand strong. Even if, others have never dared dream, we will dream. Even if, others think it is impossible, all things are possible with God. Even if, others think the task is too monumental, we are more than conquerors. Even if, others think prayers are seemingly inconsequential, God answers prayer. Our Even if’s are God’s opportunities.

Our motto should forever be, We will be bold, creative, compelling, and express a deep love for Christ Even if others will not.

May we be the generation who continues to praise Him, thank Him, worship Him, give Him the glory and honor, and ask Him for that for which we yearn, hope, dream and need. copied