God of our Fathers!

God of our Fathers, whose almighty hand; Leads forth in beauty all the starry band. Of shining worlds in splendor through the skies; our grateful songs before thy throne arise. Thy love divine has led us in the past, in this free land by thee our lot is cast. Be thou our ruler, guardian, guide and stay; Thy word our law, thy paths our chosen way. Daniel C. Roberts

There were seven key founding Fathers of the United States of America. The seven are said to be John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, John Jay, and James Madison. Some accounts add Samuel Adams to the key list. They all played critical and substantial roles in the formation of the country’s new government. These men were in large part responsible for a successful war for independence from England, the ideas celebrated in the Declaration of Independence, and the government defined in the Constitution of the United States of America.

It’s interesting that the group was composed of lawyers, farmers, merchants, businessmen, physicians, writers, and even ministers. They each added their expertise to come together to form this great nation. There were 56 who signed the Declaration of Independence. These men were motivated by their faith in Christ to pledge their fortunes, lives and sacred honor to the cause of freedom.

These founding fathers didn’t just write and plan a constitution, many of them wrote sermons, creeds, even hymns, founded Bible societies, Sunday Schools, and served God’s purposes for their generation. I am so grateful for the legacy they handed down to us as Americans.

If they could revisit the nation they helped create, the churches they left doing God’s work, the conversation in the homes of families today, the prisons housing so many, the homeless shelters which are filled, or even the schools where God’s name has been silenced, what would they think? Would they wonder why they and others fought and died so that so many of us might enjoy the freedom we take for granted?

They would probably quickly surmise that God’s place in this America has taken a back seat and that many people are confused as to His role in this country. It is apparent that as time goes by, we are pushing God further and further out of our society.

Did they fight for a country who has taken away our ability to express our Christian beliefs in a public arena? Did they fight for government control of our lives? Did they fight for educators to have the freedom to teach humanistic ideas of life? Did they fight for prayer to be removed from schools? It is a fact that the America they knew is but a vacant shadow of our past.

Where is our hope? It would make sense that if we know what makes a nation great, we would return to the things that made us great! Churches had a huge part in making America a great country. People were involved, they prayed, they made a vocal stand against anything evil, and they stood up for what was right. That should be the role of churches today.

In the mid 1970’s the US Marine Corp went through a rebuilding process where they were forced to eliminate from their ranks those Marines who were not committed to the Oath they took when they enlisted. The oath states: I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the United States of America against all enemies, both foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of officers appointed over me, according to the regulations and Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God. Those Marines who didn’t comply were reassigned or asked to resign, and the Corp began the process of rebuilding with the truly dedicated men and women.

As my good friend and Marine Colonel said, ” The only one who is closer to a God than the Commandant is the Commander in Chief. Even when their Commander in Chief is one who is not respected by the troops for their actions, they respect the office and obey. Marines follow orders!”

Jesus has given this country a foundation of orders to be followed. Jesus Christ belongs front and center of all we do. God has baptized us with boldness and confidence for He is looking not for great people but for people, who will dare to prove the greatness of God. A.B.. Simpson

God Bless America!

Give Me Your Hand!

I have a serious concern to bring up with you, my friends, using the authority of Jesus, our Master. I’ll put it as urgently as I can: You must get along with each other. You must learn to be considerate of one another, cultivating a life in common. I Corinthians 1:10 from The Message

A formal greeting between strangers is usually some form of a handshake, smile, pat, or some other form of acknowledgement. The history of the handshake dates back to the 5th Century BC in Greece. It was a symbol of peace showing that neither person was carrying a weapon. Some even say it began in Medieval Europe where Knights would shake hands in order to shake loose any hidden weapons of their opponent. Handshakes were also a sign of trust and an acknowledgement that the person you were greeting was coming in a spirit of peace.

In modern times the handshake has evolved into a method of greeting and friendship. The gesture has been used throughout history at greetings, farewells, expressions of gratitude, cementing agreements, and sportsmanship, whether one wins or loses. I’ve always heard that you can tell a lot about a person by the strength and firmness of their handshake. The year long Covid virus has moved a normal handshake into a fist bump or other form of greeting thus limiting the special feelings that come with personal contact.

When we offer our hand to another we are symbolizing unity. The verse above speaks to that unity among Christians. Paul addresses the way the Christians there have divided themselves into factions based on which Christian teacher they follow. Paul urges them to be unified in and around Jesus Christ. After all, it is not a certain person that one follows that makes one a Christian, it is Christ that is at the center of it.

Paul sets up Christ as the standard for every thought and every judgment. Does that mean that people can’t disagree? Certainly not. In fact, he is saying that people always disagree, but disagreement does not have to mean division. The goal is not conformity but rather unity.

I love it when football teams gather in the middle of the field on any given fall Saturday to shake hands and toss a coin. Both sides play the game, and both sides want to win, but they will still be friends and continue to play the game no matter the outcome. They have unity of purpose and thought.

In this era of the blame game, the name calling, the gossip, the innuendos, the slander of innocent people, and the total disregard for others, wouldn’t it be nice if Christians united by giving up their individual egos and self interest so that the banner of Christ could be lifted up rather than lifting up one person or one cause!?

It would be a blessing to see a society where people refuse to blame others for mistakes that are made, a society where people are forgiving and not allowing bitterness, a society where people praise each other’s strengths instead of focusing on weaknesses, a society where people are conscientious, a society where people are dependable, and a society where people stay focused on the bigger goal. When we learn to work together, there’s no stopping us in any endeavor.

The songwriter and artist, Anne Murray sings it beautifully when she sings: Put your hand in the hand of the man who stills the water, Put your hand in the hand of the man who calms the sea. Take a look at yourself and you can look at others differently; By putting your hand in the hand of the man from Galilee. Lyrics by Gene Maclellan

John Wesley the founder of Methodism said it best: Give me your hand, I do not mean for you to be of my opinion, you need not: I do not expect it nor desire it. Neither do I mean I will be of your opinion. I cannot. Keep your opinion, I mine; and that as steadily as ever. You do not endeavor to come over to me or bring me to you. Only give me your hand. We must act as each is persuaded in their own mind. Hold fast that which you believe is most acceptable to God, and I will do the same. Let all these smaller points be put aside. If your heart is as my heart, if you love God and all humankind, I ask no more. Simply, give me your hand.


So you will need every piece of God’s armor to resist the enemy whenever he attacks, and when it is all over, you will be standing up. To do this, you will need the strong belt of truth and the breastplate of God’s approval. Wear shoes that are able to speed you on as you preach the good news of peace with God. In every battle you will need faith as your shield to stop the fiery arrows aimed at you by Satan. And you will need the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. Ephesians 6:13-17

Years ago when we served Calhoun First Methodist, Ashley was into looking for the cocoons of caterpillars mainly because she wanted to put it in the “Box” on a Sunday morning so her Dad would have to open it and explain it during the children’s sermon. It would be even better if a butterfly flew out on that day.

We did find one, but that caterpillar was firmly nestled inside that cocoon. As we watched daily, the caterpillar began a struggle so great that it was exhausting for us. There was a valuable lesson in this struggle. The price of freedom, flight, and discovery is struggle, development, and finally breakthrough. The caterpillar has a purpose in becoming a butterfly.

Even Cicadas, though they are annoying us right now, have a purpose. They actually prune mature trees, aerate the soil, and once they die, their bodies yield an important nitrogen source for growing trees. Everything has a purpose.

God has given each of us certain relationships, skills, experiences and attributes that we can use to help Him fulfill His purposes in this life. If we let Him, He will cultivate talents in us that will serve His kingdom in ways we can’t even imagine.

Maybe someone has a God give athletic talent or musical abilities that can be used as a platform for His purpose. It could be our creative genius, our work ethic, or even our idiosyncrasies that God will use for His purpose. No matter what, we are to use our God given talents and create a purpose for our life and His kingdom.

Just as we all have different purposes, no purpose is better than another – just different. God created Fathers with a purpose in mind. These special guys are entrusted with serving as an example of the heavenly Father’s love for all his children. His love is sacrificial, kind, humble, honest, forgiving, faithful and selfless just as a father’s love should be. The job of being a dad is getting harder as society and its definitions and expectations change.

Fathers in this day and age are going to require the full armor of God to aid in raising their children in a Godly way. Truth will be required, faith will be tested, salvation will be questioned, and Biblical knowledge will be a strong ally to aiding Fathers reach their purpose in this world.

William Hodding Carter said: “There are only two lasting bequests that we can hope to give our children. One is roots; the other is wings.” When Fathers teach their children that they are loved unconditionally, those children have roots. They can stand up and handle whatever life throws at them. By the same token, when self confidence and encouragement are instilled in children, Fathers give them wings.

It’s paramount that children know that they are loved and accepted because of their unique worth. John McKay, the great USC football coach, had a son who was also a great football player for USC. When the coach was asked during an interview to comment on his son’s accomplishments, he said: “Yes I’m pleased that John Jr. had a good season this year. He does a fine job, and I am proud of him, but I would be just as proud if he had never played football at all.” His answer reflects his father’s respect for his son no matter the situation because the place in his father’s heart was secure and independent of his performance. Christ’s love is not performance based, it’s unconditional, unbreakable and unending. A Father’s love should be the same.

A Christian Father always keeps God’s purpose first. He knows a secular family, friendship, and country always lead to chaos and division. Purpose is our shield of armor. Frances Schaeffer said, “When man forgets his purpose, he forgets who he is and what life means.”

God’s armor is available for Fathers and for all of us. All we need to do is suit up and remember our purpose!

Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads.

Calm Resolve!

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

This past weekend, we had an opportunity to spend a weekend with family at the lake. Holiday weekends have the reputation of being crowded, busy and crazy, and this was no exception. We set out with everyone to take a nice boat ride and tour of all the new construction around the lake, but we ended up dodging jet skiers, tubing participants and skiers, riding the wakes of other boats, and trying to navigate the safest way back to the dock.

The interesting thing is that the same waves that were a problem for us, were exciting for those on jet skis or tubing. It’s like the old saying, “The same sunshine that melts the butter, also hardens the clay.” In the middle of the waves, it’s hard to imagine that there is ever going to be calm waters just up ahead.

If you’ve ever been a water skier, then you know the two calmest times to enjoy the water and your ski is early morning, before the other boats arrive, and late in the afternoon when many have abandoned the day’s activities and the water is calm. There is a serenity, freedom, and peace that comes with that experience.

The problem here is waiting for that time of day. We need a calm resolve. Just like daily life, there is a calm to be found in certain places and in different things. We can live life in the busy fray of the outside world, or we can live life from the inside out and discover a calmness that overtakes us. Outside is loud, noisy, wavy, rough, demanding and can be ruthless. Inside provides that stillness and quiet where God whispers and gives us that calm resolve of confidence in Him and the expectation of divine aid. Living from the inside out rather than the outside in is the best defense in times of trouble. Our soul calmly waits for God.

There are times in our lives when the conspiracies of men, the circumstances of life, and the activity of the adversary go to work on our soul and we get away from that calm that comes from God who is our salvation and our defense. These are the times when we need the calm confident expectation of waiting for God to give direction, and show us His will and His purpose. We must stop and wait in the calmness for God to speak.

I love the words of Psalm 62 as found in The Message. It says so beautifully: God, the one and only, I’ll wait as long as He says. Everything I need comes from Him, so why not? He’s solid rock under my feet, breathing room for my soul, an impregnable castle: I’m set for life.

In the confident calmness of these verses, one realizes that rough waters don’t last, and when we see the end or the calm, we have gleaned wisdom for the next challenge.

For us, Christ is the hope of glory and calm. It’s best not to ever react out of emotion and start trying to figure out what to do. All we can do is focus on what we can do and trust God to do what we can’t. In other words, let God deal with the next step. The Lord is our salvation and defense, and a very present help in rough waters. We must wait at a calm place of refuge, strength and security. God is the very thing we need. He is our provision.

Sometimes God’s greatest blessings come when the waters are rough and we are looking for the calm. It is in this time when God’s plan for us becomes clear. So stay calm and carry on!